Like fraction: The fractions that are having the similar or common denominator called as like fractions.
Before moving to the like fraction, first we shall know what is fraction? A number in the form a/b is called as fraction. It is also called as part of a whole representation.
The numbers between any two integers are represented in the form of fractions. But in the beginning fractions where defined only for reciprocals.
Fractions are mainly divided into two – like fraction and unlike fraction. When the two fractions has same denominator then it is called as like fraction and when denominators are different it is unlike fractions.
Three types of fractions are proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed fractions.
Like Fractions Definition
Like Fractions Example:
Numerator of 5/4 = 5
Denominator of 5/4 = 4
Numerator of 3/4 = 3
Denominator of 3/4 = 4
Denominator of 5/4 = Denominator of 3/4 = 4
So 5/4 and 3/4 are like fractions
Convert Unlike to Like Fractions
Here we are going to learn the steps used to convert the unlike fractions into like fractions:
- Step 1: Consider the given two fractions. Find the least common denominator for the given unlike fractions.
- Step 2: Make the two denominators equal to the least common denominator of both fractions. Now we get the like fractions.
Let us see some problems related to like fractions.
Example 1 : Convert 1/5 and 3/2 into like fractions.
Step 1: Find the LCD for the given fractions
LCD (5, 2) = 10
Convert the given fractions into equivalent fractions with denominator 10.
Multiply 1/5 by 2 on both numerator and denominator
1/5 × 2/2 = 2/10
Multiply 3/2 by 5 on both numerator and denominator
3/2 × 5/5 = 15/10
Hence 2/10 and 15/10 are like fractions.
Example 2: Convert 2/15 and 3/10 into like fractions.
To convert given fractions into like fractions, we find the LCM of 10 and 15.
LCM(10, 15) = 30
Convert the given fractions into equivalent fractions with denominator 30.
2/15 × 2/2 = 4/30
3/10 × 3/3 = 9/30
Thus required like fractions of 2/15 and 3/10 are 4/30 and 9/30
Adding Like Fractions
We are going to learn the steps used to adding the like fractions:
Steps for adding like Fractions:
- Step 1: Add the numerator
- Step 2: Place the addition over original denominator.
- Step 3: Reduce the answer to lowest terms.
Like fractions addition Example:
Add 9/20 to 7/20
Given fractions are 9/20 and 7/20
The denominators of both the fractions are same, so fractions are like fractions
Step 1:
Add the numerators, 9 + 7 = 16
Step 2:
Place the addition, 16, over the original denominator, 20.
9/20 + 7/20 = 9+7/20 = 16/20
Step 3:
Reduce the fraction 16/20 to the lowest terms, 4/5.
Subtracting Like Fractions
We are going to learn the steps used to subtracting the like fractions:
Steps for Subtracting like Fractions:
- Step 1: Subtract the numerator
- Step 2: Place the difference over original denominator.
- Step 3: Reduce the answer to lowest terms.
like Fraction subtraction example:
Subtract 5/15 from 10/15
Given fractions are 10/15 and 5/15
The denominators of both the fractions are same, so fractions are like fractions
Step 1:
Subtract the numerators, 10 – 5 = 5
Step 2:
Place the difference, 5, over the original denominator, 15.
10/15 – 5/15 = 10−5/15 = 5/15
Step 3:
Reduce the fraction 5/15 to the lowest terms, 1/3.
Like Fractions Examples
Below are the examples based on like fractions:
Question 1: Find the like fractions for the following fractions 5/7 , 9/6
Given, Fractions 5/7 , 9/6
We need to find the like fractions:
To find the like fractions, first find least common denominator,
Multiples of 7 = 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56……………
Multiples of 6 = 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 , 48 ………….
least common multiple of 6 , 7 = 42.
Multiply 5/7 by 6 on both numerator and denominator,
5/7 = 5∗6/7∗6
= 30/42
Multiply 9/6 by 7 on both numerator and denominator,
9/6 = 9∗7/6∗7
= 63/42
Correct answer is Like fractions 30/42, 63/42
Question 2: Add the fractions by find like fractions 5/4 + 11/8
Given, 5/4 + 11/8
Both fractions are unlike fractions,
So the given fraction we need to convert it into like fractions,
Let us find the least common denominator of the given fractions,
Multiple of 8 = 8 , 16 ,24 ,…..
Multiple of 4 = 4 ,8, 12 ,16 ,….
The least common multiple of 4 and 8 is 8.
Multiply 5/4 by 2 on both numerator and denominator ,
5∗2/4∗2 = 10/8
Now we can add the fractions,
5/4 + 11/8 = 10/8 + 11/8
= 10+11/8
= 21/8
Correct answer is 5/4 + 11/8 = 21/8
Like Fractions Calculator
Use our like fractions calculator to add, multiply, subtract and divide fractions. Enter values in like fractions calculator, then select a math operation and click on calculate button. It shows step by step solution along with final result.