TNPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket 2022 download: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) will release TNPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022 on May 10, 2022 and the exam will be conducted on May 23, 2022.
Candidates can download TNPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022 on or by login with application number and date of birth. The direct link to download the TNPSC group 2 Hall ticket/admit Card will be made available here.
How to Download TNPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket 2022
Steps to download TNPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022:
- Step 1: Go to TNPSC website –
- Step 2: Then, click on download TNPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022.
- Step 3: Now, enter your group 2 application number and date of birth.
- Step 4: Finally, click on submit button.
- Step 5: Take a print of generated TNPSC group 2 hall ticket.
That’s it!
In case there is any discrepancy or query related to TNPSC group 2 hall ticket or admit card, the candidates should utilize help desk at the contact number 044-25332833 / 25332855 between 10.00 am to 5.45 pm during the working days. Make sure to mention issue clearly with subject line as “Problem in downloading TNPSC group 2 exam hall ticket for 2022”.
It must be noted that the admit card of TNPSC Group 2 2022 is an important document and the candidates must carry the same to the exam hall on the day of the test. If any of the candidates fail to produce the TNPSC group 2 hall ticket to the invigilator, then they will not be allowed to enter the exam hall and write the test. Also, the candidates must carry a valid photo ID along with the hall ticket.
How to Recover TNPSC Login ID / Application Number?
There are 2 possible solutions available to retrieve TNPSC login ID/application number. They are
- Candidates can easily recover their TNPSC login ID or application number by checking application history after login with one time registration ID and password.
- The easiest way to get login ID or password is by checking your mobile number and email inbox. After successful completion of submission of TNPSC group 2 application, the authority sent you a confirmation message along with application number/login ID.
TNPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022 – Details Mentioned
The hall ticket of TNPSC group 2 exam would contain following details:
- Roll number of the candidate: This is assigned by the TNPSC authorities, this is the unique number which can be used as a source of reference as well at any time during future.
- Name and Address: The TNPSC group 2 admit card also contains the name of the person and correspondence address.
- Date and time of the exam: The hall ticket would also contain the date and time of the exam
- Venue name and address: The group 2 admit card also contains the name of venue and the complete address of the venue.
- The admit card also has the space for affixing recent passport size photograph. One should affix the same photograph as uploaded during the application form filling.
- The admit card also contains the space for signature of the candidate at the bottom.
A candidate should check all the details present on the hall ticket. As wrong details present on the TNPSC group 2 hall ticket could lead to the cancellation of the candidature at the exam center.
In case a person does not receive the admit card on time or there is wrong/incomplete information on the admit card, one should immediately contact the TNPSC authorities over phone and get the required thing corrected.
TNPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022 – Instructions to the Candidates
The group 2 hall ticket also contains the instructions to be followed while going to the exam center or during the exam. Find below the details of the instructions present on the admit card:
- No documents except an admit card and a photo ID proof will be allowed to be taken along at the examination center.
- In case any candidate is found to be indulging in suspicious activities, he will not be allowed to sit in the examination center.
- Electronic device or assisting devices such as log tables, calculator, mobile phones, Bluetooth device or microphone, personal laptop etc., are not permitted in the examination center.
- One should reach the examination center at least 30 minutes before the exam as candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination center late.
Documents Accepted as Photo ID Proof
If the person fails to submit the identification document at the examination center, he/she will not be allowed to enter the center. One of the following documents as a photo-ID proof is acceptable at the examination center:
- Pan card
- Driving License
- Aadhaar card
- Voter ID card
- Any signed document by the college authorities etc.
The candidates are allowed to enter the exam hall only with the copy of TNPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022. Along with the TNPSC hall ticket, the candidate will also be required to carry a recent photograph as well any official photo ID proof to the center which could be Aadhaar card, driving license, Voter ID card or any other legal document.”
After downloading the TNPSC hall ticket for group 2 exam, candidates should also check syllabus and prepare well to get good score. Cut off marks plays vital role in the final selection. Candidates should reach minimum and overall cut off marks in preliminary exam to appear for the mains exam.
TNPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket FAQs
How can i download TNPSC group 2 hall ticket?
Use your TNPSC group 2 application number and date of birth to download TNPSC group 2 hall ticket/admit card.
What if i forget TNPSC Group 2 Application number?
Go to TNPSC exams apply website, then provide your SSLC registration number, date of birth, email ID and phone number to recover TNPSC group 2 application number.
When will TNPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022 be released?
TNPSC will release TNPSC group 2 admit card 2022 for preliminary exam in May 2022 and mains exam in October 2022.