APSSC Group 2 (2022): APPSC Group 2 notification 2022 for 337 vacancies will be released on August 27, 2022. Eligible candidates can submit APPSC Group 2 application form 2022 from August 31, 2022 to September 23, 2022. APPSC Group 2 prelims exam to be held in November 2022 and mains exam will be conducted in January 2023. The APPSC Group 2 notification 2022 has not released yet.
Check revised APPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2022 for prelims and mains exams. AP Government has abolished interviews for all group 2 posts.
Also check: APPSC Junior Assistant Notification 2022
Overview of APPSC Group 2:
Recruitment | APPSC Group 2 |
Conducting Body | Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission |
Posts | Executive & Non-Executive Posts |
Vacancies | 337 |
Selection Procedure | Prelims, Mains and Interview |
Exam Level | State-level Exam |
Exam Date | Prelims: November 2022. Mains: January 2023 |
Language | English & Telugu |
Job Location | Andhra Pradesh |
Official Website | https://psc.ap.gov.in |
APSSC provides recruitment for different posts such as Assistant section officer, deputy Tahsildar, Excise Sub-Inspectors, Municipal Commissioner Grade III, Executive Officer Grade I, Extension Officer, Senior Accountants, Assistant Registrar etc. A total of 337 APPSC Group 2 posts will be announced through APPSC Group 2 notification 2022. Candidates need to get OTPR to fill the APPSC group 2 application form 2022.
You would like to apply online for APPSC Group 2 Exam 2022? Here is all you need to know about notification, exam dates, eligibility criteria, online application form, last date, syllabus, exam pattern, hall ticket, selection process and results.
APPSC Group 2 Notification 2022
APPSC Group 2 Notification 2022: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission will come up with the official APPSC Group 2 notification 2022 on website www.psc.gov.in. This is one of the largest recruitment state boards in India. Let us look at some of the details related to vacancies under APSSC Group 2 services.
Department | Post Name | Vacancies |
Legislature Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 12 |
General Administrative Dept, AP Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 150 |
A & C Department | Assistant Registrar | 23 |
Finance Department, AP Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 15 |
Law Department, AP Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 2 |
PR & RD Department | Extn., Officer | 40 |
Revenue Department/CCLA | Deputy Tahsildar | 16 |
Commissioner, Endowments | Executive Officer Grade I | 6 |
MA&UD Department/CDMA | Municipal Commissioner Grade III | 3 |
Finance Dept/Director of Works & Accounts | Senior Accountants | 20 |
Revenue/Commissioner, Prob. & Excise Dept. | Excise Sub-Inspectors | 50 |
Total | 337 |
Interested candidates can go through the entire article to have complete knowledge regarding APPSC group 2 eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, application form process, hall ticket and results.
APPSC Group 2 Important Dates 2022
Events | APPSC Group 2 |
Application form available from | August 31, 2022 |
Application form last date | September 23, 2022 |
APPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket | November 2022 |
APPSC Group 2 exam:Prelims | November 2022 |
Declaration of results | December 2022 |
APPSC Group 2 Mains exam | January 2023 |
Find below the important dates related to the APPSC Group 2 exam 2022:
- The APPSC Group 2 notification 2022 for the recruitment of various 337 posts will be out on August 31, 2022.
- The eligible candidates tentatively can fill the APPSC Group 2 application form in an online mode at psc.ap gov.in from August 31, 2022 to September 23, 2022. After the due date the applications will not be accepted by the authority.
- The APPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022 will be issued by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission for all the eligible applicants from the last week of May 2022.
- The APPSC Group 2 exam will be conducted in the month of June 2022.
- APPSC Group 2 results 2022 for preliminary examination will be declared by the authority in the month of December 2022 and the main exam will be held in January 2023
APPSC Group 2 Eligibility criteria 2022
Following is the eligibility criteria for APPSC Group 2 exam:
Age Limit and relaxation
For most of the posts the minimum and maximum age for applying should be between 18 and 42 years of age. For certain categories, there is some relaxation, it can be checked in the following table.
Category | Age Relaxation |
SC/ST/BC | 5 years |
AP State Government Employees* | 5 years |
PH | 10 years |
Ex-service men | 3 years |
NCC (who worked as an instructor) | 3 years |
Contract employees (state census department) | 3 years |
AP State Government Employees*: Any AP State Government Employees except APSRTC, APSEB, Municipalities and Corporations.
Educational qualification
For most of the posts, the candidates need to have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. However for the details by post the applicant should check the notification.
Candidates who have done their graduation from Open University or distance education from a recognized university by distance education center, IGNOU.
APPSC Group 2 Application form 2022: Apply Online Process
The APPSC Group 2 application form 2022 will be available online after the notification is released. Candidates are required to complete the one time registration process and then fill the application form. Thus candidates should do the one time registration very carefully. Providing wrong details could lead to cancellation of the form.
Following is the procedure to fill the APPSC group 2 application form 2022.
APPSC Group 2 OTPR Process
- Go to the official website which is www.psc.ap.gov.in
- Afar the candidate opens the official website, the candidate would be able to see various links such as recruitment links, news etc.
- The candidate should click on the one time profile registration for registration.
- The candidate needs to click on the links and click on continue.
- On the OTPR registration page, the candidate needs to click on the ‘new registration’ tab and fill all the required details. One should fill all the details very carefully.
- The details on the registration page include aadhaar number, name, birth detailed address, email ID, mobile number, education details etc.
- One is also required to fill the photograph (JPG/JPEG format, 50kb, 3.5cm x 4.5cm) and signature (JPG/JPEG format, 30kb, 3.5cm x 1.5cm) in the mentioned format.
- After this the candidate needs to click on preview button and click on submit after confirmation.
- An ID and password will be created and send to the official email and mobile number.
How to Submit APPSC Group 2 Application form 2022
- Step 1: The candidate needs to login to the website suing the ID and password created
- Step 2: Now the candidate needs to click on application submission and login using the official ID and password.
- Step 3: Now after login, the candidate needs to fill the remaining details carefully.
- Step 4: Go to payment option and make the payment
- Step 5: And submit the APPSC group 2 application form after making the payment.
- Step 6: The application fill process is complete, the candidate should take a printout of the application form for future reference.
APPSC Group 2 Application fee
Category | Amount |
General Category Candidates | ₹ 330 |
SC, ST, BC, PH & Ex-Service Men | ₹ 80 |
The general category candidates have to pay ₹250 as examination processing fee ₹30 as examination fee. The SC, ST, BC, Physically challenged candidates & the candidates belonging to Ex- servicemen category need not to pay examination fee as they are exempted from it. They just have to pay the examination fee only i.e. ₹ 80 only.
The candidates can be able to pay their fee through online mode only i.e. with the help of debit card, credit card or net banking. The application fee once paid by the applicant will not be refunded in any circumstances.
APPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern 2022
Exam | Marks |
Prelims Exam | 150 |
Main Examination | |
Paper-I | 150 |
Paper-II (Part A & B) | 150 |
Paper-III | 150 |
Total | 450 |
The written exam contains two parts.
Preliminary Exam
This contains 3 sections and each is 50 marks each. The sections include:
- General studies and Mental ability
- Social and cultural history of Andhra Pradesh
- Indian Constitution
Main examination
This contains 3 sections and each is 150 marks each. The sections include:
- Paper I: General studies and Mental ability
- Paper II (A): Social and cultural history of Andhra Pradesh
- Paper II (B): General overview of Indian constitution
- Paper III: Planning in India and Indian economy
APPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2022
Officially Revised and New APPSC group 2 syllabus 2022 for preliminary and main examinations can be downloaded in pdf from the below link.
APPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2022 pdf – download
APPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2022 – Prelims Exam
Section/Subjects | Marks | Syllabus |
Section A: General Studies and Mental Ability | 50 | Applications of general science, international, national & regional current affairs, Events of national and international importance, Indian polity and governance, data analysis, logical interpretation, analytical ability & logical reasoning, environmental protection & sustainable development, geography of India with focus on Andhra Pradesh, Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphases on Indian national movement etc. |
Section B (I): Social and Cultural History of Andhra Pradesh | 50 | Pre-historic cultures of AP, Geographical Features of Andhra and its impact on history and culture, important small & big dynasties that ruled Andhra Pradesh between 11th and 16th centuries A.D., advent of Europeans, origin and growth of Andhra movement, events responsible for the formation of Andhra Pradesh state etc. |
Section B(II): Indian Constitution | Structure and functions of Indian Government, Nature of the Indian Constitution, amendment process to the constitution, Fundamental Duties, functions & structure of Indian Government, Judicial Review & Activism, welfare mechanisms in India, Indian political parties, powers and the functions of Constitutional Bodies such as CAG, State Public Service Commissions, UPSC and finance commission | |
Section C: Planning & Economy | 50 | present status & overview of Indian Economy, new economic reforms 1991, Indian agricultural & industrial policies, role of IT industries in development, types of resources, monetary policy of RBI, new foreign trade policy of India, causes and remedies of inflation, Goods and Service Tax (GST), national income and concepts, per capita income, economic policies of Andhra Pradesh, agriculture and industrial growth of Andhra Pradesh, resource development of Andhra Pradesh etc. |
Total | 150 |
APPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2022 – Mains Exam
Paper/Subject | Marks | Syllabus |
Paper I: General Studies & Mental Ability | 150 | Applications of general science, international, national & regional current affairs, Events of national and international importance, Indian polity and governance, data analysis, logical interpretation, analytical ability & logical reasoning, environmental protection & sustainable development, geography of India with focus on Andhra Pradesh, Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphases on Indian national movement etc. |
Paper II (A): Social History of Andhra Pradesh i.e., the history of various social and Cultural Movements in Andhra Pradesh | 150 | Pre-historic cultures of AP, Geographical Features of Andhra and its impact on history and culture, important small & big dynasties that ruled Andhra Pradesh between 11th and 16th centuries A.D., advent of Europeans, origin and growth of Andhra movement, events responsible for the formation of Andhra Pradesh state etc. |
Paper II (B): General overview of the Indian Constitution | Structure and functions of Indian Government, Nature of the Indian Constitution, amendment process to the constitution, Fundamental Duties, functions & structure of Indian Government, Judicial Review & Activism, welfare mechanisms in India, Indian political parties, powers and the functions of Constitutional Bodies such as CAG, State Public Service Commissions, UPSC and finance commission | |
Paper III: Planning in India and Indian Economy Contemporary problems and developments in rural society with special reference to Andhra Pradesh | 150 | present status & overview of Indian Economy, new economic reforms 1991, Indian agricultural & industrial policies, role of IT industries in development, types of resources, monetary policy of RBI, new foreign trade policy of India, causes and remedies of inflation, Goods and Service Tax (GST), national income and concepts, per capita income, economic policies of Andhra Pradesh, agriculture and industrial growth of Andhra Pradesh, resource development of Andhra Pradesh etc. |
Total | 450 |
APPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket 2022
APPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022 will be available 10 days before the preliminary test. The admit card for the exam will be available online. After uploading the admit cards on the website, the authority will inform the candidates through SMS or email.
Following is the process used to download the APPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022.
- Visit the APPSC Official website @psc.ap.gov.in
- Click on download APPSC Group 2 hall tickets link for Preliminary exam.
- Enter OTPR login details and click on submit button.
- Your APPSC group 2 hall ticket 2022 will be generated, download it and also take a print out of the same.
One should keep the APPSC group 2 hall ticket is safe as it is required to be carried along to the examination center.
APPSC Group 2 Results 2022
The result of APPSC group 2 exam will be available online on the website. To see the result, the candidate needs to check the result using the login details:
Following is the detailed process to check the result:
- Go to the APPSC official website i.e. psc.ap.gov.in.
- Find result link of APPSC Group 2 services (Prelims/Mains)
- Enter details to login/ Download Pdf
- Find Result by entering roll no./Search for Roll no. in Pdf
- To check marks, find either in pdf or by click on the appropriate link and enter details
APPSC Group 2 – FAQ
What is the age limit for APPSC Group 2?
APPSC Group 2 age limit is 18 to 42 years for general category candidates.
How to apply for APPSC Group 2 exam 2022?
Eligible candidates can apply for APPSC group 2 exam 2022 on the official website – psc.ap.gov.in. Here candidates need to complete one time registration then submit online application form by paying fee.
What is cut off marks for APPSC Group 2 exam?
90 marks are the minimum qualifying cut off marks for APPSC Group 2 prelims exam. Candidates with minimum qualifying marks will be allowed for mains exam followed by Interview.
When will APPSC Group 2 Notification 2022 come?
APPSC Group 2 notification 2022 likely to be out in August 2022 and online application form will be available from August 2022 to September 2022. APPSC Group 2 exam date for prelims test will take place in November 2022.
It is possible to clear APPSC Group 2 in first attempt?
Yes, it is possible to clear the APPSC group 2 exam in the very first attempt. Simply make a study plan and start preparing according to plan to easily clear the exam.
What is the exam fees for APPSC Group 2?
The APPSC Group 2 exam fee is ₹330 for general category and ₹80 for SC/ST/PwD category candidates.
What is the last date to apply for APPSC Group 2 exam 2022?
APPSC group 2 apply online 2022 last date is September 23, 2022. It’s a tentative date and APPSC will release group 2 application form and schedule in August 2022.
Is APPSC Group 2 exam difficult?
Proper preparation strategy, plan and hard work are the most important keys to clear the APPSC Group 2 exam. The difficulty level is moderate, so all you have to do is create a proper APPSC Group 2 study plan and prepare according to it.
How to download APPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022?
Download APPSC Group 2 hall ticket 2022 for prelims exam by entering application ID and date of birth on psc.ap.gov.in.
How to Check APPSC Group 2 Result 2022?
Applicants can check their APPSC Group 2 Results 2022, cut off marks and secured score by entering their application number.